  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-11350

showcase ace:dateTimeEntry deltaSubmit = true issues


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: EE-4.2.0.GA
    • Fix Version/s: EE-4.2.0.GA
    • Component/s: Sample Apps
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      Tomcat 7, ICEfaces EE-4.2.0 r51758, showcase configured for deltaSubmit = true, all browsers
    • Assignee Priority:


      Issue 1 - ace:dateTimeEntry > ajaxSubmit - When display as popup = false the date selected gives the wrong return value. Also after the first selection, every subsequent selection requires a double click to submit the date.

       Issue 2 - ace:dateTimeEntry > Locale - After the first locale selection is made, subsequent selections do not update the calendar, instead the default English is displayed.

      To reproduce:
      1.) Add the following to the showcase web.xml:
      2.) Navigate to the ace:dateTimeEntry > ajaxSubmit demo. Uncheck Display as Popup.
      3.) Select a date (not the current date) on the calendar, the new date return value is given.
      4.) Select another new date (not the current date) on the calendar, the current date is given as the return value.
      5.) Select another new date (not the current date) on the calendar, the value is not updated.
      6.) At this point double clicking (not the correct action) on a date will give the proper return value, but if you watch closely teh current date is always rendered before the new date.

      Issue 2
      1.) Navigate to the ace:dateTimeEntry > Locale demo.
      2.) Change the Locale selection to Korean, note the proper locale language is shown.
      3.) Change the Locale selection to Russian, note the locale language is changed to English.


        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #51783 Tue Jul 25 15:58:32 MDT 2017 mircea.toma ICE-11350 Fix typo.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase/src/main/webapp/resources/examples/ace/date/dateajax.xhtml
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #51780 Mon Jul 24 13:51:35 MDT 2017 mircea.toma ICE-11350 Force the rendering of the ace:dateTimeEntry component to ensure that the client side state is updated and thus properly run the parameter diff.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase/src/main/webapp/resources/examples/ace/date/dateajax.xhtml
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase/src/main/webapp/resources/examples/ace/date/datelocale.xhtml


          • Assignee:
            Mircea Toma
            Liana Munroe
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue


            • Created: