  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-10574

More granular control for columns in ace:tableConfigPanel


    • Type: Improvement Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 3.0
    • Fix Version/s: 4.3
    • Component/s: ACE-Components
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      All environments


      Current component for ace:tableConfigPanel supports olumnNameConfigurable, columnOrderingConfigurable, etc. at Table Level.

      That is - if we have specified the above mentioned attributes in the tag, all the columns under the table (having not set congfigurable="flase") can be configured via above attributes.

      Now, we don't have any attributes/way to configure the same at column level i.e. if we want to allow a column to be sortable but dosn't want user to change the order/name or visibility of the same.

      inshort, we would like to have more granular control over the table configurable properties instead of setting the same globally.


        Arturo Zambrano added a comment -

        Added a tip panel in the Attributes section of TableConfigPanel, explaining that these attributes can be specified at the column level as well.

        Arturo Zambrano added a comment - Added a tip panel in the Attributes section of TableConfigPanel, explaining that these attributes can be specified at the column level as well.
        Ken Fyten added a comment -

        This looks good.

        Can you add a note to the ConfigPanel wiki to let folks know that they can also configure the columns via the col level attributes to make it easier to find that?

        Ken Fyten added a comment - This looks good. Can you add a note to the ConfigPanel wiki to let folks know that they can also configure the columns via the col level attributes to make it easier to find that?
        Arturo Zambrano added a comment -

        r52429: added ace:tableConfigPanel > Column Configurability demo

        Arturo Zambrano added a comment - r52429: added ace:tableConfigPanel > Column Configurability demo
        Ken Fyten added a comment -

        Can we add a new demo to showcase for this under the ace:dataTableConfigPanel section?

        Ken Fyten added a comment - Can we add a new demo to showcase for this under the ace:dataTableConfigPanel section?
        Arturo Zambrano added a comment -

        r52223: added ui-state-disabled classes to controls that aren't configurable, since they had to be modified from having the disabled attribute to being readonly, in order to allow submitting other values without losing the current value in the non-configurable columns, which resulted in losing the disabled look, so now they look disabled again

        Arturo Zambrano added a comment - r52223: added ui-state-disabled classes to controls that aren't configurable, since they had to be modified from having the disabled attribute to being readonly, in order to allow submitting other values without losing the current value in the non-configurable columns, which resulted in losing the disabled look, so now they look disabled again
        Arturo Zambrano added a comment -

        r52222: added columnOrderingConfigurable, columnVisibilityConfigurable, columnNameConfigurable, columnSortingConfigurable attributes to ace:column and added logic in ace:tableConfigPanel to be able to disable one or more of these features for a specific column

        These attributes work in the same fashion as the existing 'configurable' attribute in ace:column. More than overriding the respective values of the ace:tableConfigPanel component, these attributes are used to exclude a specific column from being configurable in one or more of these ways. The global setting in ace:tableConfigPanel still has to be enabled if at least one column is configurable in one of these aspects.

        Arturo Zambrano added a comment - r52222: added columnOrderingConfigurable, columnVisibilityConfigurable, columnNameConfigurable, columnSortingConfigurable attributes to ace:column and added logic in ace:tableConfigPanel to be able to disable one or more of these features for a specific column These attributes work in the same fashion as the existing 'configurable' attribute in ace:column. More than overriding the respective values of the ace:tableConfigPanel component, these attributes are used to exclude a specific column from being configurable in one or more of these ways. The global setting in ace:tableConfigPanel still has to be enabled if at least one column is configurable in one of these aspects.
        Ken Fyten added a comment -

        One obvious way to approach this would be to add the following attributes that already exist on the ace:tableConfigPanel component to the ace:column component:

        • columnNameConfigurable
        • columnOrderingConfigurable
        • columnSortingConfigurable
        • columnVisibilityConfigurable

        When specified on the ace:column they would override the "global" settings on the ace:tableConfigPanel for that column.

        Ken Fyten added a comment - One obvious way to approach this would be to add the following attributes that already exist on the ace:tableConfigPanel component to the ace:column component: columnNameConfigurable columnOrderingConfigurable columnSortingConfigurable columnVisibilityConfigurable When specified on the ace:column they would override the "global" settings on the ace:tableConfigPanel for that column.


          • Assignee:
            Arturo Zambrano
            Atul Goyal
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue


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