Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: EE-3.3.0.GA_P02, 4.0
Fix Version/s: EE-3.3.0.GA_P03, 4.1
Component/s: ACE-Components
Assignee Priority:P3
Support Case References:Support Case #13319 -
Workaround Exists:Yes
Workaround Description:The ace:submitMonitor can be used to block the ui.
When using an ace:submitMontor with blockUI="@none" and also using the org.icefaces.blockUIOnSubmit=true context parameter, the model layer for the blockUIOnSubmit does not get displayed allowing double submits to occur.
Removing the ace:submitMonitor from the page allows the ui blocker to work correctly.
Removing the ace:submitMonitor from the page allows the ui blocker to work correctly.
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Attached test case that shows this issue. Note, the icefaces, ace, and compat jars need to be added into the war for it to run.
- Load welcomeICEfaces.jsf
- Attempt a double click on the Submit button, two submits will be fired. Removing the submitMonitor, the same double click is blocked.
Arran Mccullough
added a comment - Attached test case that shows this issue. Note, the icefaces, ace, and compat jars need to be added into the war for it to run.
Load welcomeICEfaces.jsf
Attempt a double click on the Submit button, two submits will be fired. Removing the submitMonitor, the same double click is blocked.
Just to clarify:
(1) If the global config blockUIOnSubmit is set to true, you cannot disable UIBlock for a form with ace:submitMonitor?
(2) If the global config blockUIOnSubmit is set to false, you can enable UIBlock for a form with ace:submitMonitor?
(3) If the global config blockUIOnSubmit is set to true, you can disable UIBlock for a page with <icecore:config blockUIOnSubmit="false"/>?
(4) If the global config blockUIOnSubmit is set to false, you can enable UIBlock for a page with <icecore:config blockUIOnSubmit="true"/>?
(5) If the global config blockUIOnSubmit is not specified, you can set UIBlock for a form with ace:submitMonitor ?
(6) If the global config blockUIOnSubmit is specified, you cannot set UIBlock for a form with ace:submitMonitor?
(7) If the global config blockUIOnSubmit is not specified, you can set UIBlock for a page with <icecore:config blockUIOnSubmit="true|false"/>>?
(8) If the global config blockUIOnSubmit is specified, you can set UIBlock for a page with <icecore:config blockUIOnSubmit="true|false"/>?
(9) If <icecore:config blockUIOnSubmit="false"/> is specified for a page, you can enable UIBlock for a form with _ace:submitMonitor?
Thanks in advance.
P.S. Just to clarify, I have many forms on one page, and not only one form per page. and I only want one form that shouldn't block the UI. For more information check out my StackOverflow question: setting blockuionsubmit for a specific form
P.P.S. If statements (1) and (2) are true, then the configuration blockUIOnSubmit is mixed with the component ace:submitMonitor. making your own statement false: