Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: None
Fix Version/s: 4.1
Component/s: ACE-Components
Environment:ICEfaces 4
Assignee Priority:P1
ICEsoft Forum Reference:
Affects:Documentation (User Guide, Ref. Guide, etc.), Sample App./Tutorial
A useful feature for an application is to provide a "Reset" button on a form to allow the use to reset all form fields to their original states, prior to any user modifications.
This JIRA is to add a new "type" attribute to the ace:pushButton and ace:linkButton components. When the specified type is 'clear', the button will invoke the ice.ace.clearForm() function on the parent form, clearing all entry components in the same form prior to any user modification.
This JIRA is to add a new "type" attribute to the ace:pushButton and ace:linkButton components. When the specified type is 'clear', the button will invoke the ice.ace.clearForm() function on the parent form, clearing all entry components in the same form prior to any user modification.
Issue Links
- depends on
ICE-10114 Add "Clear" capability to ACE, MOBI components
- Closed
Verified ICEfaces 4 trunk r46549. ace:radioButtons issue is resolved.
QA test apps using the new attributes for ace:linkButton and ace:pushButton have been checked in.
ICE-10114.jsf and /ICE-10114mobi.jsf